Saturday, October 4, 2008

someday i'll have to stop using ocean images, since i'm inland now...

brújula pa ya
brújula no va
brújula no guia
por rumbo perdido voy

compass that way
compass doesn't go
compass doesn't guide
i travel a lost path

soñando por el camino
ay con la tierra de mi destino
viajando en mi submarino voy
a mas de 1600 pies
buscando entre los mares
puerto seguro yo llegaré

dreaming along the road
oh, with the land of my destiny
i go traveling in my submarine
at more than 1600 feet
looking between the seas
i'll arrive in a safe port


guardandome en la memoria
palabras de mi querer
viajando en mi submarino voy
20,000 leguas yo andaré
hilando cada pasito
un sueño, oye, yo bailaré

guarding in my memory
words of my loves
i go traveling in my submarine
i will walk 20,000 leagues
spinning in each step
a dream, listen, i will dance

oye yo te digo
cada sueño tiene su camino
oye yo te digo
que si to lo sueñe te viene en seguido

listen to what i tell you
each dream has its path
listen to what i tell you
that if you dream it, it will come soon enough


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