Friday, October 3, 2008

Maiden Voyage

Thus it begins. In twelve hours and twenty nine minutes, my flight will lose contact with Californian soil, and the rather hazy next phase of my life will start to do its thing. Am I ready? Ish. And six minutes ago, I started a blog. Am I ready? Ish. Hopefully both will turn out to be worthy endeavors.


Lia said...

Yes. You are ready. And it will be amazing. I forget how long you're going to be there? (God I hope it wasn't in your entry and I stupidly did not see it). Mostly i wanna know because I'm thinking about working in SF for the summer...

Oh, and I miss you. In case you somehow ever could have doubted.
Love Love

Carolyn said...

¡Buen viaje, mi'ija! Es una gran aventura. Que te vaya muy, muy bien. Abrazos, Carolina

Padre said...

Hi Sweetie
The question is Guatemala ready for you? !!! Miss you already....looking forward to many posts and photos.

Gordon the B. Hansen said...

will you have an address to which to send things, such as music?

good luck! i predict that it will be difficult and brilliant and beautiful at once.

Carolyn said...

Touching lava with a stick. Could you toast marshmallows on it, if you happened to have marshmallows while hiking up a volcano in Guatemala? I is glowy, like a fire that has burned to embers? Can't wait for the next installment. I had to laugh about the telling time thing.